June 14, 2024  | National Forestry Authority

Kampala, Uganda – Uganda’s 2024/2025 budget reading has unveiled a landmark initiative aimed at revitalizing the nation’s forestry sector. With a dedicated allocation of Shs 516.78 billion for climate change mitigation, natural resources, environment, and water resource management, the government is setting the stage for significant environmental and agricultural advancements.


A cornerstone of this initiative is the ambitious plan to plant 15 million trees nationwide. This massive reforestation effort is designed to restore degraded landscapes, increase forest cover, and enhance biodiversity. The Ministry of Environment and Water Management will spearhead this project, collaborating with local communities, environmental organizations, and international partners to ensure widespread and effective implementation.


In addition to the tree planting initiative, the budget emphasizes the restoration and demarcation of critical wetlands. Wetlands play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, supporting diverse wildlife, and acting as natural water filtration systems. Their restoration is expected to mitigate flood risks, improve water quality, and bolster climate resilience, making Uganda better equipped to handle environmental challenges.


The budget also includes provisions for the continued distribution of tree seedlings to promote reforestation efforts. By supplying seedlings to farmers and local communities, the government aims to encourage agroforestry practices that integrate trees into agricultural landscapes. This approach not only supports reforestation but also enhances soil fertility, reduces erosion, and improves crop yields, thereby boosting agricultural productivity.


The comprehensive funding and support for these environmental and agricultural projects highlight the government’s commitment to sustainable development. “The allocation of Shs 516.78 billion is a testament to our dedication to protecting and enhancing our natural resources,” stated the Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development. “By investing in forestry and agriculture, we are ensuring a sustainable future for Uganda.”


Environmentalists have praised the budget, noting that the integration of reforestation with agricultural development is vital for long-term economic and environmental health. With these initiatives, Uganda is poised to make significant strides in forest conservation, environmental protection, and agricultural sustainability, benefiting both the ecosystem and the livelihoods of its people.

Written by NFA Communications and Public Relations Unit


  • National Foresty Authority

The Investing in forests and protected areas for climate-smart development (IFPA-CD) project supported by World Bank has commenced activities. The project will run for a period of five years (2020-2026).

The Minister of State for Environment Hon. Beatrice Anywar handed over equipments that included laptops and geographical positioning systems sets that will be used for forestry activities.

The project will support the Government agenda of increasing forest cover through afforestation and reforestation and slowing down the loss and degradation of the nation’s forests.

The components of this project will be; (1) Focus on improving management of government-managed forest and wildlife protected areas to ensure they can continue to generate and provide important environmental services. (2) Increase revenues and jobs from these forest and wildlife protected areas through targeted investments in tourism and productive forests. (3) Encourage establishment of greater tree cover in refugee-hosting landscapes outside protected areas, supporting sustainable forest management and landscape resilience on private and customary land.

While handing over the monitoring equipments to NFA, the Hon. Beatrice Anywar said ‘The task is you and me to make it happen, environment conservation is our responsibility and there is Government will right from His Excellence the President so expect to conserve the our ecosystems and biodiversity’.

The Executive Director-NFA, Mr. Tom Okello said the project is starting and we will stand to be counted and ensure that there is value for money and the results will be visible on ground.

The project is will cost approximately USD one hundred and seventy eight million (178,000,000). The project targets the Albertine graben and this project will contribute to Uganda’s development priorities stipulated in the NDPIII.


  • National Foresty Authority

On Saturday 8 June 2024, National Forestry Authority in collaboration with the Office of the Resident District Commissioner, in Kyenjojo District led the stakeholders in a forest monitoring field tour to assess the activities in the Central Forest Reserves funded by Irish Government and Swedish International Corporation Agency through the World Bank under the “Securing of Uganda’s Natural Resource Base in Protected Areas” project.

The project aimed at supporting sustainable management of, and increase benefits to communities from, target protected areas in response to COVID-19 impacts, building of capacity of organized community groups to access and manage protected resources as well as engage in income generating activities to improve community livelihoods. with the focus on the 13 Central Forest Reserves (CFRs) under NFA: Budongo, Bugoma, Kasyoha-Kitomi, Kalinzu, Wambabya Matiri, Ibambaro, Kitechura, Kibego, Muhangi, Itwara, Rwensambya, South Maramagambo.

The project supported activities such as boundary opening and marking with concrete pillar, forest restoration and enrichment planting, supporting Collaborative Forest Management groups with income generating activities like apiary (bee keeping), tailoring, soap and charcoal making. These approaches of boundary openings have been able to solve problems of encroachment and land conflicts with the neighbouring community members.

The monitoring visit started from Bitooma area where we were able to see the pillars that were planted to separate the community from the Central Forest Reserve, the restored area in Kitechura CFR, a CFM group in Kitega called Kitega Community Environmental Association in Kitechura CFR.

By empowering these communities, it has reduced pressure on natural forests and strengthening a working relationship with the forest adjacent communities for sustainable forest management.


By: NFA Public Relations Unit.


  • National Foresty Authority

National Forestry Authority’s (NFA) capacity to monitor forests using smart technology has been enhanced with equipment support from Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). NFA received the equipment at their head office in Bugolobi.

The equipment included twenty (20) smart phones, eight (8) GPS units, ten (10) Laptop computers and twenty (20) power banks worth eighty seven million nine hundred and four thousand (87,904,000) ugx.

While receiving the equipments on 16th August 2021, the Executive Director (ED) National Forestry Authority Mr. Tom Okello thanked WCS for the continued support towards conservation of forests. He reminded that they have been supportive in building human capacity of the forest rangers and the law enforcement teams over time.

He mentioned that law enforcement and management of natural resources will be easy now with the use of modern technology tools that will help in monitoring and evaluation of the forest cover. He said that trends have changed now thus the ICT would facilitate better management of forests. However emphasized on developing basic guidelines that would facilitated proper utilization of the machines.

The ED boasted that NFA has the finest GIS lab and over the time built the capacity in monitoring land cover and land use in Uganda thus guiding policy and planning for natural resources.

While handing over the ICT equipments the Director Landscape Ecology and Technology services at WCS, Dr. Grace Nangendo informed that this support is from a project aimed promoting conservation in the Albertine region. She added that the equipments will enable NFA staff record and share real time forestry activities using smart technology.

World over, forests are a key resource serving a mass of functions, like providing industries with raw materials, employment to communities, providing habitants for wildlife which boosts tourism, sequestering carbon and maintaining biodiversity among others thus sustainable forest should be prioritized.

Public Relations Unit.


Sironko District, Uganda - The global commemoration of World Environment Day on June 5th, 2024, resonated with a steadfast commitment to the theme of "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience." In Uganda, this dedication to environmental and forest conservation found its focal point at Mafudu Primary School playground in Sironko District, where national celebrations fervently embraced the same theme. The esteemed guest of honor, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda, symbolized the nation's dedication to this cause.

Amidst the festivities, the National Forestry Authority (NFA) emerged as a driving force behind forest land restoration. Demonstrating leadership, the NFA spearheaded a large-scale tree-planting campaign at the Mafudu Primary School playground. Under the watchful eye of the Prime Minister and accompanied by officials from the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), ministers, political leaders, and cultural figures, the planting of 10,000 trees epitomized a collective resolve to combat environmental degradation.

Echoing the call for environmental stewardship, local leaders stressed the imperative of sustainable practices. Miti David Mafudu, Chairperson LC1 of Mafudu, emphasized the need for increased investment in environmental management and community sensitization. Similarly, David Livingstone Giruli, Chairperson LCV of Sironko District, called for the strict enforcement of environmental laws to protect natural resources.

NEMA officials underscored the urgency of adopting eco-friendly energy mechanisms and advocated for extensive tree planting to mitigate the effects of climate change. Members of Parliament praised the collaborative efforts in organizing the event and urged greater youth involvement in environmental conservation.

Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja highlighted the intrinsic link between environmental preservation and Uganda's socioeconomic prosperity. She commended the collective achievements in restoring forest cover and called for sustained efforts to preserve the nation's ecological heritage.

In a significant development, the President of Uganda issued operational directives to 2000 para-military forces, underscoring the government's determination to reinforce environmental protection measures.

As the curtains fell on the 2024 World Environment Day celebrations, the resounding message of forest land restoration echoed far and wide, serving as a rallying cry for concerted action to safeguard the planet and Uganda for future generations. In Uganda's verdant landscapes, a renewed spirit of environmental and forestry consciousness flourished, laying the groundwork for a sustainable and resilient future.

Story by NFA Communications and Public Relations Unit


  • National Foresty Authority

National Forestry Authority’s (NFA) capacity to monitor forests using smart technology has been enhanced with equipment support from Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). NFA received the equipment at their head office in Bugolobi.

The equipment included twenty (20) smart phones, eight (8) GPS units, ten (10) Laptop computers and twenty (20) power banks worth eighty seven million nine hundred and four thousand (87,904,000) ugx.

While receiving the equipments on 16th August 2021, the Executive Director (ED) National Forestry Authority Mr. Tom Okello thanked WCS for the continued support towards conservation of forests. He reminded that they have been supportive in building human capacity of the forest rangers and the law enforcement teams over time.

He mentioned that law enforcement and management of natural resources will be easy now with the use of modern technology tools that will help in monitoring and evaluation of the forest cover. He said that trends have changed now thus the ICT would facilitate better management of forests. However emphasized on developing basic guidelines that would facilitated proper utilization of the machines.

The ED boasted that NFA has the finest GIS lab and over the time built the capacity in monitoring land cover and land use in Uganda thus guiding policy and planning for natural resources.

While handing over the ICT equipments the Director Landscape Ecology and Technology services at WCS, Dr. Grace Nangendo informed that this support is from a project aimed promoting conservation in the Albertine region. She added that the equipments will enable NFA staff record and share real time forestry activities using smart technology.

World over, forests are a key resource serving a mass of functions, like providing industries with raw materials, employment to communities, providing habitants for wildlife which boosts tourism, sequestering carbon and maintaining biodiversity among others thus sustainable forest should be prioritized.

Public Relations Unit.